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communicating vessels

beeswax art, buffer zone cyprus, cyprus divided, elina hadjinicola
beeswax art, buffer zone cyprus, cyprus divided, elina hadjinicola
beeswax art, buffer zone cyprus, cyprus divided, elina hadjinicola

Communicating vessels


'Belonging' is considered as a space where one always returns, whether it's our home or our homeland, as humans perceive it. As for bees, the space they always return to is their hive, where they live and work collectively. Together, they travel long distances, collecting pollen and nectar from surrounding areas. They return to the hive, where they live and act collectively.

Bees fly and gather pollen as material to construct their wax cells. They travel and cross the lands unbothered. Without understanding the concept of borders, they just focus on finding flowers. With this in mind, I decide to place a hive at a point with blossoms on the green line of Cyprus.

With the help of my beekeeper father, I place a hive in the buffer zone of the rural area of Athienou. There, the bees gather pollen from both sides of the island. They create an object that serves as a symbol of free and occupied Cyprus. The bees give shape to the 'communicating vessels' with their unexpected abstracted forms.

The artwork sensitively examines the issue of border division and responds to the existence of the green line as a human creation that nature chooses to ignore. Away from political convictions, my work aims for a peaceful approach between humans.

Award of Excellence
Larnaca Biennale 2023

© 2024 by Elina Hadjinicola 

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